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Results 71-80 of 412 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The Use of phonics instruction to develop english reading skill of grade one students in bingual program at Thainiyomsonghroh school., Bangkaen district under education department of Bangkok metropolitan administrationThapanee Panvisavas, ฐาปนีย์ พันธ์วิศวาส
2016Isolation, identification and screening of lignocellulose-degrading fungi from sediments and seawater in mangrove forest at Laemson National Park, ThailandJureerat Ueapattanakit, จุรีรัตน์ เอื้อพัฒนกิจ
2016Single nucleotide polymorphism ofmirna146a in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemiaกชปิญชร จันทร์สิงห์, กชปิญชร จันทร์สิงห์
2015Sound continuity comparison study of nine tremolo methods in Francisco Tarrega s Recuerdos De La AlhambraSira Tindukasiri, ศิระ ตินทุกะสิริ
2021A study of translation problems and translation Editing of the ThaiManus Painarin
2021A study on technical personnel loss of Thai SME funded by china in Thailand a case study of Y company, a catering equipment manufacturing company in Thai-Chinese Rayong industrial zoneKun Li
2021Research on the market in strategy of Yangbao brand walnut milkJiayi Li
2021The influence of service quality of gas station branded convenience stores on consumers purchase intention experience value as a mediating variableZijing Teng
2021Job insecurity and recruitment form towards dispatched labours : a case study with company AQiang Bian
2021Impact of socialized e-commerce on consumers willingness to use in The Sinking MarkttGuohua Chang