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Showing results 1 to 20 of 2434  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Aantibacterial activity of Coronarin D and its synergistic effect with antibiotics on staphylococcus aureusPanita Khlaychan, ปณิตา คล้ายจันทร์
2020The acquisition of attitudes and professional skills for global citizenship by bilingual students through second language learningBassey, Unyime Francis
2021Active Learning in English at Work : Assessing Effectiveness and EFL Undergraduate Student AttitudesPatcharakorn Seemanath
2020Adding design value to familiar product with humourSuttichart Sarapaiwanich, สุทธิชาติ ศราภัยวานิช
2023Analysis and design of LCC-type zero voltage switching resonant converter using state-plane diagramPornsak Techatanaset
2022An analysis of incentive scheme for the new generation staff of CJ education groupYi Huang
2022An analysis of pragmatic contents in Chinese textbooks used by high school students in ThailandWangya Zhao
2007An analysis of some errors committed by RSU (Rangsit University) English Major Students in Writing 2 classRosario Nuchnoi
2021Analysis of the influencing factors of tourist satisfaction of tourist attractions with influencerYuzhu Wang
2022Analysis on the influencing factors of network integrated marketing on the sales of brand milk tea taking honey snow ice city as an exampleYang Hong
2019Antimicrobial efficacy of contact lens solutions against pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureusMedhavi Houngparanun, เมธาวี หวงพลานันท์
2021Apple classroom : managing tertiary English classes with ipadsBoundy, Timothy
2021Application of a blended learning model for the Chinese listening skills for Mathayom Suksa Four Thai students :a mixed methods investigationWanyan Zhou
2018Application of blended learning in Chinese pinyin learning of primary 4 students at a private school in BangkokShu Heyi
2019Application of content and language integrated learning (CLILl) approach for English learning of secondary school Bhutanese studentsTamang, Budha Singh
2019The application of drawings to enhance Chinese vocabulary skills in primary three Thai studentsXiaoxing Liu
2021The application of game-based learning for Chinese vocabulary skill of grade 8 Thai studentsFengjuan Li
2021The application of immersion teaching method in learning Chinese speaking skill for grade 5 Thai studentsRong Xie
2022The application of intensive reading approach with multimodal teaching for esl reading comprehension skill of grade 6 bhutanese studentsPema, Tenzin
2022The application of interactive game teaching method for English speaking skill of grade 6 students in Sichuan Province, ChinaJia Liu