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Showing results 101 to 120 of 2413 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The Effects of top-level structure instruction on grade eight Bhutsnese students'reading comprehension and written synthesisPema
2022The effects of total physical response supplemented with teaching props on Thai kindergarten 3 students’ Chinese vocabulary knowledge and learning behaviorsTao Jiang
2021The effects of using case studies to develop hotel management students critical thinking skill at a private university in ThailandWeerapa Pongpanich
2017The effects of using manipulatives in teaching mathematics to enhance learning outcome of grade 5 Bhutanese studentsLham, Kencho
2017The Effects of using rubrics on the learning achievement in educational assessment and evaluation of students in Bhutanese UniversityTshering
2017The effects of using simulated role play in teaching history to secondary students in BhutanLhatu
2022Employees satisfaction towards welfare benefits and turnover intention internet finacial companies a case study of company PDianxiang Wang
2016The English reading Project to enhance reading comprehension and collabolative learning for grade 11 students at a high school in BangkokParita Chitchuen, ภริตา จิตชื่น
2021The English speaking difficulties in the perception of Chinese bilingual studentsKraisab Boonchoo
2018Enhancement of undergraduates listening skills through listening strategiesMongkol Sodachan, มงคล โสดาจันทร์
2022The enhancements of self-directed learning on tertiary level students’ English reading skillWen Zhao
2019Enhancing dog and human relationship by developing a dog-human centric concept designGonzález, Miquel Padrés
2022Enhancing inner balance in everyday livesXu Li
2017Environmental conservation practice of BhutanYangchen, Pema
2018ESL learning strategy among grade nine Bhutanese secondary school students in Chhukha, BhutanTenzin, Ngawang
2020Essential decisions a minimal approach to designXi Chen
2021Evaluation of the Solana Flu A and B assay for rapid identification and differentiation of Influenza A Virus and Influenza B virusRujikorn Kanlayanadonkit, รุจิกรณ์ กัลยาณดลกิตติ์
2022The evolution of classic values at a moment of fluxYiying Du
2018An experimental study of VCL and CSCL to enhance students learning achievement and engagement in chemistrySsekamaanya, Nouredine
2022Exploring intercultural communication competence perceptions and integration into classroom practices of Chinese English teachers at a Chinese middle school in ShanxiZhaoyu Yan