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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Effects of cooperative learning approach on learning achievement and opinion of the eighth grade students toeard mathematics, BhutanNamgyal, Lobzang
2014Effect of tea seed oil on serum lipid profile and blood glucose, and organ protective activity in rats fed with high fat and high carbohydrate dietWarinna Pinthong, วริณณา ปิ่นทอง
2014Object of AwarenessLogan Bay
2014The Effects of top-level structure instruction on grade eight Bhutsnese students'reading comprehension and written synthesisPema
2014Project-based approaches to enhance english writing skills and collaboration in geography among grade eight students in a lower secondary school in BhutanSonam Penjor
2014The Effects of activity-based learning approach on learning achievement and learning satisfaction of the seventh grade students' toward mathematicsWangmo, Kinley
2014The Effects of the story grammar strategy on grade eight bhutanese esl readers'reading comprehension of narrative textsWangmo, Karma
2014The Opinions of M3 secondary students toward an English course in A Bilingual program in a Thai public schoolGuat Cheng Tan
2014Full report research project education and human development : the case of ThailandDanuvas Sagarik
2014Structural and dynamical properties of nitrite ion in aqueous solutionSaowapak Vchirawongkwin.
2014Effect of incisor position and inclination on smiling profile attractivenessHataichanok Charoenpong
2014Research Project Report (k,t)-choosability of graphsWongsakorn Charoenpanitser
2015Peer Assessment On Grade Eight Students Descriptive Essay Writing in a Lower Secondary School In BhutanTshering, Tashi
2015Sound continuity comparison study of nine tremolo methods in Francisco Tarrega s Recuerdos De La AlhambraSira Tindukasiri, ศิระ ตินทุกะสิริ
2015The Decision-Making Function Into Underground Digital EconomyTanpat Kraiwanit
2015Expression of tight junction proteins in oral squamous cell carcinoma, odontogenic cyst and tumorKraisorn Sappayatosok
2015Research project report the game chromatic number of graphsSiriwan Wasukree
2016The effects of counseling-based teaching method on physics learning achievements of upper secondary school students : an area focus on momentumAnon Ua-Umakul, อานนท์ เอื้ออุมากุล
2016The English reading Project to enhance reading comprehension and collabolative learning for grade 11 students at a high school in BangkokParita Chitchuen, ภริตา จิตชื่น
2016Isolation, identification and screening of lignocellulose-degrading fungi from sediments and seawater in mangrove forest at Laemson National Park, ThailandJureerat Ueapattanakit, จุรีรัตน์ เอื้อพัฒนกิจ