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Showing results 286 to 305 of 2413 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022A study of the impacts of perceived value on users willingness to continue participation based on the perspective of online cause-related marketingLizhou Zeng
2022A study of the influence of corporate social responsibility on customers purchase intention : the moderating effect of involvementZiyi Chen
2022A study of the influence of e-commerce development on enterprise management strategies : a case study of Cofco Thailand BranchJiasi Zhang
2022A study of the influence of family members participation on enterprise innovation in family enterprisesDanyang Liu
2022A study of the influence of knowledge sharing on the innovation performance of high-tech enterprisesHuawen Fan
2022A study of the influencing factors of Chinese tourists' satisfaction with Thailand's internet celebrity tourist attractionsGuo Shiqin
2022A study of the transformational leadership effect on employee work engagement, mediating effect of followershipDong Silu
2021A study of translation problems and translation Editing of the ThaiManus Painarin
2017A study on development strategy of Guilin s Tourism, Guangxi, ChinaCai Jingtingcai
2021A study on technical personnel loss of Thai SME funded by china in Thailand a case study of Y company, a catering equipment manufacturing company in Thai-Chinese Rayong industrial zoneKun Li
2017A study on the basic theory of powerenterprise inits internal controlof logistics storageLi Guanfu
2017Study on the cross - border circulation model of agricultural productsa case study of Yunnan vegetable export in ThailandFu Rao
2022A study on the impact of employee work engagement on turnover intention : the mediating role of LMX and the moderating role of leadership supportJunyu Tao
2021The study on the influence of corporate social responsibility perception on consumer purchase intention in the E-commerce industryShuyu Chen
2022Study on the influence of O2O fresh convenience store experience value on consumers' purchase intentionHaoran Sheng
2022A study on the influencing factors of customer satisfaction of Alipay platform commercial insuranceRuocheng Zou
2021Study on the management of new generation employee separation in state-owned commercial banks : take X bank as an exampleHuangrongshang Chen
2021A study on the relationship between brand value enhancement and customer satisfaction in the soft drink industry : based on brand identity perspectiveWanting Xu
2024The style of pixar animation in 2020-2022Siyuan Li
2014Synergistic interaction between antibiotics and natural product extracts to inhibit methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)Keerati Joyjamras, กีรติ จ้อยจำรัส